Friday, May 28, 2010

After Five Weeks...

We can't believe...

...the miraculous way you came into the world. Your birth made us weep with awe for you, the beauty and intimacy of birth, and for a generous Creator who blessed us with your presence. took us two weeks to decide on a name that fits you. Ahh well, it does, and we are glad.
...what a peaceful, graceful newborn you were from the start. Somehow you seemed to know your mama needed some sleep. Thank you, sweet girl! much you like to eat! I guess there isn't much else for you to do, but we are still amazed. absolutely irresistible you are. You are the first person each of us--even your little big brother--looks for in the morning. We love to stare at you, to talk nonsense to your precious little face, to touch your silky, soft skin and listen to your baby noises. You inspire so much joy and devotion without really even trying. much we love you, Rosalie Mette Nau.


One Week

Two Weeks

Three Weeks

Four Weeks
Five Weeks

Rosalie Mette Nau
April 27th, 2010
6lbs 12oz