Saturday, November 28, 2009

Never a dull moment...

Do not worry when you view the photographs below. No, the children are not left unattended for hours. Yes, I do bathe them and try to give them healthy meals for the most part. The trouble is that they are fast...and creative...and delightfully curious!

Anika, full of anticipation for our dear neighbor, Rosemary, to arrive for a tea party.

Eben, caught in the act of snatching tea party goods before the guest of honor arrives.

The scene when I turn my back for a few minutes to attempt painting the new window seat in the dining room...

Kitchen cabinets are cleared, pots find a new use (thank you Eben)...

their respective lids become useful steering wheels (with the help of my leftover painter's tape.)

And finally, a few of the kids' new favorite things to do:

Slide down the stairs with footie pjs until overtaken with heat and exhaustion.

Practice Tap, Toe, and Tumble moves (Anika), or slip on some cowboy boots and make just as much noise as tap shoes anyhow! :)

Climb onto the sofa, reach onto the coffee table, grab, unwrap, and inhale as many Almond Rocas as possible before discovery. (I let him enjoy the fruits of his labor just this once, but put in him his highchair for it!)
Yesterday, Eben managed to pull out his lullaby CD in his room and switch the stereo to LOUD rock music. Anika came bursting out of the room exclaiming, "Mom, it's rockin' in there. I LOVE IT!" It's pretty hard not to laugh around here!:)