Monday, July 26, 2010


Ebbs isn't a man of many words yet, but ask him how old he is and he will either holler "Five!" and hold out all 5 (he likes to steal Anika's fire) or "Two!" and hold out one or two. Eben turned two on June 18th--what a big guy. He spent the day with Grammy and Gramps (two of his favorite people) at the zoo.

In honor of his zeal for all things loud and dangerous--particularly yard equipment--I attempted a lawnmower cake for his little family celebration a few days later. He at least recognized what it was supposed to be, so I was happy! The candles were so fun for him we did it two times. Post-party, he has been making mega block "cakes" for himself and we are all expected to sing "happy birthday" to the boy with the reward of a mega block piece to pretend to munch.

Eben lumps all yard tools into one category--"broom broom" (add a little growl to it when you say it--makes sense). He longs to go to the garage and just touch various broom brooms. He will pop up from a nap if he hears a broom broom in our yard or a neighbor's, eager to watch. His cup overfloweth when Ed actually lets him hold a running weed whacker (sans the string) or I start the leaf blower for him and pass it to him. With that in mind, Kans made him a very special gift, one which she titled, "Eben's New Broom Broom Book". Thanks to all the advertisements in the News Tribune, she gave him a load of eye candy. He requests it often, and I think that makes sweet Kans pretty happy.

I love this pic. Anika is cracking up (while eating applesauce) at Eben's sound effects while viewing his new book.

Some other facts about this two-year-old fella:

-He can't get enough of snuggling or tickling.
-He likes to show off for Kanners (even if he knows he'll get busted for whatever he's doing).
-He LOVES to cozy up for a good book (at least for a few minutes).
-He is passionate about food, music, animals, and broom brooms, of course.
-He has figured out how to hop out of his crib. (So long, sweet, long naps!)
-He wants to be just like Daddy.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

One (of many) wonderful things about dads...

They think of things to do that Mom would never even imagine trying!
Happy Father's Day, babe--you rock!

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Something to chase away those rainy June blues...

You're smiling already, aren't you?:)

Dance party!

Well now, things aren't so bad after all, eh?

Friday, May 28, 2010

After Five Weeks...

We can't believe...

...the miraculous way you came into the world. Your birth made us weep with awe for you, the beauty and intimacy of birth, and for a generous Creator who blessed us with your presence. took us two weeks to decide on a name that fits you. Ahh well, it does, and we are glad.
...what a peaceful, graceful newborn you were from the start. Somehow you seemed to know your mama needed some sleep. Thank you, sweet girl! much you like to eat! I guess there isn't much else for you to do, but we are still amazed. absolutely irresistible you are. You are the first person each of us--even your little big brother--looks for in the morning. We love to stare at you, to talk nonsense to your precious little face, to touch your silky, soft skin and listen to your baby noises. You inspire so much joy and devotion without really even trying. much we love you, Rosalie Mette Nau.


One Week

Two Weeks

Three Weeks

Four Weeks
Five Weeks

Rosalie Mette Nau
April 27th, 2010
6lbs 12oz

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Fitting right in

So as you can see from the picture below, this little rosie girl is running out of room. Apparently it's still fairly comfortable in there, though, as it seems she's content to stay for a while. Anika was two weeks early and Eben one, so we've been laughing that #3 is a little rebel--already scheming how to be different from the siblings. On the other hand, other than our kids birthdays, have any of you ever known a member of our family to be early? Ahhh, that explains it all; this little sweetie fits right in already! (We are so ready to love on her, though!)
Anika said it best the other day as I was buckling her into her car seat: "Mom, when is that little rascal going to come out?" :)

Thursday, April 15, 2010

The joys of spring...

Spring is here! Besides the excitement of new life for our family (baby sis coming any day now), it is so much fun to see the columbine and hollyhock resurrect (and anticipate their unique and beautiful blossoms), the tightly-wrapped nubs of what will soon be lush hasta leaves peeking out, and the little sprouts of mixed greens emerging in the garden. Almost every morning when Eben wakes, we head outside or just stand at the window for a while and take it all in. (He hoots with excitement each time he sees a bird land on a wire or a cat mosey down a driveway. Each new blossom has to be thoroughly sniffed, whether it has a fragrance or not.)

Of course,some folks are moving right past those joys of spring and are on to the fun of summer. Despite the spring chill, this girl was not going to pass a sprinkler moment--not when the sun was out and Mom was feeling lenient.:) Can't say that I joined her, but it sure gave me a good laugh to watch her have her fun.

Eben was a little more sensible in his attire, but enjoyed the sunshine on his new lil Kawasaki all the same. (Dad picks out the best toys!) Thankfully, he's got his big sis to help steer him away from the rock wall drop-off, and to remind him that he must let go of the gas when speeding into the flower beds.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

A good time for a GOOD book

Our good friends, the Morr family, gave Anika a C.S. Lewis classic, The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe, for her birthday. I wasn't sure if we should wait a bit to start reading it (thought the witch might scare her), but when she got sick a few weeks ago, a good book seemed like the perfect medicine, so out it came.

If you have not read the Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe, I hope you do at some point. What a beautiful, poignant allegory. I was not prepared to be reading through teary eyes and a lump in my throat. Anika was so moved, she told me it was the saddest she has ever been in a story (not the end...just the climax). A story to make the true sacrifice, redemption, and freedom that we celebrate on Easter come alive. A story which draws your heart to love and celebrate the true Lion, one who "is not safe, but He is good."