In honor of his zeal for all things loud and dangerous--particularly yard equipment--I attempted a lawnmower cake for his little family celebration a few days later. He at least recognized what it was supposed to be, so I was happy! The candles were so fun for him we did it two times. Post-party, he has been making mega block "cakes" for himself and we are all expected to sing "happy birthday" to the boy with the reward of a mega block piece to pretend to munch.
Eben lumps all yard tools into one category--"broom broom" (add a little growl to it when you say it--makes sense). He longs to go to the garage and just touch various broom brooms. He will pop up from a nap if he hears a broom broom in our yard or a neighbor's, eager to watch. His cup overfloweth when Ed actually lets him hold a running weed whacker (sans the string) or I start the leaf blower for him and pass it to him. With that in mind, Kans made him a very special gift, one which she titled, "Eben's New Broom Broom Book". Thanks to all the advertisements in the News Tribune, she gave him a load of eye candy. He requests it often, and I think that makes sweet Kans pretty happy.
Some other facts about this two-year-old fella:
-He can't get enough of snuggling or tickling.
-He likes to show off for Kanners (even if he knows he'll get busted for whatever he's doing).
-He LOVES to cozy up for a good book (at least for a few minutes).
-He is passionate about food, music, animals, and broom brooms, of course.
-He has figured out how to hop out of his crib. (So long, sweet, long naps!)
-He wants to be just like Daddy.